SFB 1369 Cultures of vigilance

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Dilemmas of belonging and vigilance of Latinx racialized as migrants in the US-Mexico borderland

teilbereich_198x149px_b06Project B06

Principal Investigator

Prof. Dr. Eveline Dürr


Dr. Tim Burger; PD Dr. Ingo Rohrer


Project Description

The project focuses on the vigilance of persons of Latino descent in San Diego who are racialized as migrants despite being U.S. citizens. It examines processes of upward social mobility and the resulting ambivalences toward belonging. We highlight the interplay of self-perception and perception by others, of adaptation, demarcation, and introspection, which, in the racialized context of the U.S.-Mexico borderland, produces vigilant actors who navigate predominantly "white" social spaces.

1. Funding phase