SFB 1369 Cultures of vigilance

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Project Area A "Transformations"

A02 Struwe-Rohr/Waltenberger: Latencies of individual morality and scenes of collective vigilance...
A06 Kölbel: Whistleblowing in the police organization...
A07 Burkhardt/Klymenko: Between commitment and control: vigilance in pre-modern Benedictine monasteries
A08 Weisweiler/Hahn: Strong state, watchful people. Vigilance of subaltern groups in the late Roman state
A09 Spoerhase/Thomalla: Watchful readings: hermeneutical attentiveness in the 19th century literary culture...
A10 Meiser: Jaguar, drone, human being: Indigenous vigilance in Amazonia

Project Area B "Spaces"

B01 Radner/Frazer: "Keeping the king’s watch”: Ominous celestial events and their political significance...
B02 Lepsius: Denunciation and reproval – attentiveness as a resource in the implementation of law...
B03 Brendecke: The Challenge of the Senses. Veiling and Suspicion in Early Modern Madrid
B04 Hengerer: Against Plague and Corsairs. Averting Danger in Corsica, c. 1650–1800
B05 Neumann: Two Modes of Vigilance, Two Logics of Prohibition...
B06 Dürr: Dilemmas of belonging and vigilance of Latinx racialized as migrants in the US-Mexico borderland
B08 Vogt: Vigilance in Japan’s neighborhoods during the COVID-19 pandemic

Project Area C "Practices"

C01 Kellner/Reichlin: Vigilance and attentiveness...
C02 Gadebusch Bondio/Röder: The Hidden, suspicious, changeable sex. Shame and vigilance...
C03 Mehltretter: At the intersection of observances. Italian literature of the 17th century...
C07 Schulze Wessel: Vigilance in social transition...
C08 Olk: Unknowingness and vigilance in Shakespeare